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Are you unable to use your conservatory because of excessive SUMMER temperatures?

Have you considered window film as an alternative to Conservatory Blinds?

Our METALUX™ AND COOLKOTE™ conservatory films are available for both Glass roofs and Polycarbonate conservatory roofs and reduce internal heat in summer, reflect heat in winter, reduces glare.

Solar Conservatory window film is a high-performance metallised PVC coating, which, when applied to polycarbonate or glass roofs, prevents heat building up simply by reflecting the sun’s heat away before it can be transmitted inside.

* CONSERVATORY WINDOW FILMS - For use on Polycarbonate and Glass.
* A conservatory Ultra-Violet barrier - helps prevent fading and sun damage to furnishings.
* CONSERVATORY WINDOW FILM REDUCES HEAT + GLARE to add more to your comfort.
* Unique High Performance metallised PVC conservatory coating for roofs and rooflights.
* WINDOW FILM IS LESS expensive and more effective than blinds.
* Clean & quick installation with a minimum of disruption and no maintenance.
* Outlasts all other forms of shading material.
* Up to 10 Years warranty.

Reduce temperatures, reduce glare and help reduce UV - Ultravioltet fading to carpets, furniture, curtains - the harmful effects of the sun. During the Summer internal conservatory temperatures can reach over 120 Degrees fahreinheit and in the winter fall to near freezing, thus creating an uncomfortable room for plants and people.

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